2024 Dr. 马丁·路德·金纪念日


UHart will commemorate the life and legacy of civil rights leader Dr. 马丁·路德·金. on 2024年1月31日,星期三,下午12:45.m. 在林肯剧院. 2024年奥运会的主题是 《爱:恨是难以承受的重担.” The observance will include the presentation of the 2024年马丁·路德·金心爱社区奖.

The annual observance provides an opportunity for our community to pause and reflect on the work and impact of Dr. 王, 同时再次致力于表达同理心的目标, 尊重, and understanding toward one another in an effort to make the world a better place.

The annual MLK observance program is free and open to the public. 查看下面的节目.





由普通演员表演 & 约翰传奇(CD配乐)


Maliqa Mosley-Williams ’23 M ‘24, Marketing with Management Minor, MBA with Business Analytics

Kiara Opoku ’24 M ‘25, Finance with Business analytics and Managerial Economics, MBA with Marketing



Performed by Lynnae Labato ‘25, Dual Major Vocal Performance and Music Education

Jeremy Davis, 25岁,音乐作曲专业


Stephen Mulready M’77, Acting President, 立博体育官网


Kristen Harris A ’00, ’02, President, 立博体育官网 校友 Board



  • Hong - Lukah先生. Barrieau的类
  • 西姆斯夫人. Desrosiers的类
  • 利亚姆·兰普金——Ms. Pizzoferrato的类



由Abel Meeropol编剧,Billie Holiday演唱


Mikakla Phillips, 27岁,音乐剧院


尊敬的理查德·A. 罗宾逊,康涅狄格州最高法院首席大法官



Christine Grant, M’99, Assistant Vice President, for 多样性, Equity, and 社区 Engagement

Llonia Rojan Jackson, ’94, P’26, Director, Cultural 多样性 and Belonging



由Kiara Opoku编写和表演


Julian Spivey, 24岁,金融学专业

2024年马丁·路德·金主题演讲嘉宾:理查德的. 罗宾逊

尊敬的理查德·A. 罗宾逊
尊敬的理查德·A. 罗宾逊

理查德的. 罗宾逊 is the first African American Chief Justice of the 康涅狄格 Supreme Court. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of 康涅狄格 in 1979 and a Juris Doctor degree from West Virginia University School of Law in 1984. He was admitted to the West Virginia Bar and the 康涅狄格 Bar, and is a member of the U.S. District Court, Northern District of West Virginia and the U.S. 康涅狄格州地方法院. Justice 罗宾逊 was appointed as a Judge of the 康涅狄格 Appellate Court on December 10, 2007; a Justice of the Supreme Court on December 19, 2013; and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court on May 3, 2018. His career is complemented by an array of public and judicial service, ranging from his time as the president of the Stamford Branch of the NAACP (1988–90) to his current appointment. 阅读更多.

立博体育官网博士. 王

Dr. 马丁·路德·金
Dr. 马丁·路德·金.

Dr. 马丁·路德·金, 浸信会牧师, 学者, 以及民权活动家, was an iconic and impactful leader of the American Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. 出生在亚特兰大, 乔治亚州, he non-violently fought for racial and economic equality and justice until his assassination in 1968.

王 and others were the organizers of high-profile American events such as the Montgomery bus boycott, 从塞尔玛到蒙哥马利的游行, and the 1963 March on Washington where he delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. These events and others resulted in the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. 1964年,金被授予诺贝尔和平奖.

康涅狄格, 后来, the 立博体育官网 played roles in 王’s fight for equality and justice. 15岁时,他来到康涅狄格州的辛姆斯伯里. to pick tobacco and, for the first time, experienced life without segregation. 在他的自传中, 他写道:“在康涅狄格的那个夏天之后, 回到种族隔离时代是一种痛苦的感觉. 很难理解……”

In 1959, 蒙哥马利公车抵制运动结束后, during nonviolent protests against segregation organized by 王 and others in southern states, the 立博体育官网 invited him to deliver its Alexander S. Keller Memorial Fund Lecture at Bushnell Memorial Hall in Hartford. 马丁·路德·金的演讲“融合的未来”,” was not without controversy as he urged attendees to not turn a blind eye to the treatment of their fellow Americans.

这是1959年演讲的录音, 金告诉哈特福德的听众, “…What we need (is) a committed liberalism - one where individuals stand up on basic principles and give themselves to the right side of this issue realizing that right is right and wrong is wrong and never the twain shall meet. 这是我们必须做的事情."

Many renowned civil rights events followed 王’s speech in Hartford including non-violent lunch counter sit-ins, 学校废除种族隔离的案例, freedom riders who took bus trips to the south to protest segregated restrooms and lunch counters, 华盛顿大游行, and the bombing of 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. 1964年7月, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law with 王 in attendance.

金的演讲和凯勒讲座的所有信件, 备忘录, 项目, 立博网站中文版稿, 剪报, 成绩单, 和录音, 包括问&A sessions, are digitized and available for researcher use in the University’s 哈里森库.

Dr. 国王的遗孀, 科蕾塔·斯科特·金, 谁把自己的一生都奉献给了她丈夫的目标, 也曾在1978年来哈佛大学做客座演讲.

There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, 也没有政治, 也不受欢迎, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.

Dr. 马丁·路德·金., (1929–1968)


There are so many ways to participate in this year's celebration.
程序 日期/时间 位置
MLK年度计划 2024年1月31日,星期三,下午12:45.m. 林肯剧院
“Love: Hate is Too Great a Burden to Bear” - A Conversation with Religious Life Leaders 2024年2月7日,星期三,下午12:45.m. 肖中心
Some Blues, Some Jazz and Soul Food – the Cookout Edition 2024年2月9日,星期五,下午6点.m. 康诺威大房间
The Divine Nine with the Hartford Hawks - Double Header Men’s and Women’s Basketball 2024年2月10日,星期六,下午1点.m. & 3 p.m. ($35)
陷阱 & 油漆 2024年2月10日星期六晚8点.m. 康诺威大房间
“Love: Hate is Too Great a Burden to Bear” - Student Panel: Love Should not Hurt – A Conversation on Dating and Domestic Violence 2024年2月14日,星期三,下午12:45.m. 肖中心
科特·弗洛德对棒球保留条款的挑战 2月21日和28日,星期三,下午12:30.m. Harry Jack Gray Center (UHart 教师/staff/students wanting to attend for free in honor of Black 历史 Month, 联系Laurie Fasciano: fasciano@hartford.Edu注册).
2024年2月21日,星期三,下午12:45.m. 公共私人餐厅
黑人学生会时装秀:“难忘的里程碑” 2024年2月24日,星期六,晚5点- 9:30.m. 林肯剧院 (all proceeds benefit the BSU Book Fund)
“Love: Hate is too great a Burden to Bear” - A Peace Vigil
2024年2月28日(星期三)下午4点. Gengras Student Union Lawn (Hawk Lounge inclement weather option)
黑人学生会:开辟60年的道路 2004年4月26日至28日(星期五


多样性, Equity, 包容, and Social Justice at UHart

为多样性周保留日期:3月18日至23日。 UMatter@Hart

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